7 Meanings Of Flying Or Floating Dreams

Flying dreams are one of the most common dreams and can be interpreted in many different ways. Have you ever had a dream where you were flying? Maybe it was like superman and you could fly anywhere you wanted, or maybe it was more like bird flight where you just flapped your arms and tried to get off the ground. Flying in your dreams can mean many different things, but they all have some kind of significance.

Let’s dive into some explanations as to what flying in your dreams could mean! Whether you’re soaring over a breathtaking landscape or falling from the sky, dreaming about flying is a universally positive sign. It means that your spirit is free. It means that you feel lighter than air like nothing can hold you down, not even gravity! No matter how dark or heavy your day has been so far, rest assured that this dream is a bright one.

1. You’re feeling free and unburdened

If you’ve been stressing over some things in your life and you have a dream where you’re flying, this could be a sign that you’ve been feeling burdened by responsibilities, expectations, and pressures. You’ve been feeling like you’re weighed down like you can’t fly with ease and grace like you’re stuck on the ground. But in your dream, you’re free from all of that. You’re able to soar above that and live in the moment, not being held back by the things you worry about or what has happened in the past.

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Flying In Dream

2. You want to escape a situation or feeling

Now, this flying dream may be the opposite of what we just talked about, but it’s still a good dream to have! This may mean that you’re feeling trapped in your current situation and that you want to escape your daily grind and the feelings you have going on inside. You may want to escape a relationship or move away from a difficult situation, or you may just want to get away from a troubling emotion. If you have this dream, let yourself imagine what it would be like to break free, to soar above your problems as you fly through the sky.

3. Something in your life is changing

Dreams of flying can be a sign that you’re about to go through some major life changes. Maybe you’re about to get married, start a new job, or have a baby. Flying dreams can also mean that you’ve been going through a difficult time in your life, experiencing a loss or a trauma, but everything is going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Even though right now it feels like you’re stuck, that you can’t move beyond the pain you’re going through, flying dreams mean that you will get through this. You’re going to be okay and flying dreams are a positive sign that you’re on the path to healing.

4. You’re anxious about an upcoming event or decision

Flying dreams can also be a sign that you’re anxious about something in your future. This can also tie into the previous example about feeling like something in your life is about to change. You may be anxious about your new job, a big move, or the way your relationship is progressing. Flying dreams can be a sign that you’re anxious about how things are going to turn out. Flying dreams can also be a sign that you’re having lots of anxiety over making a decision. You may be worried about choosing the right path, or which job offer to accept, or what to do next in your relationship.

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5. You’re unhappy with your current situation

If you have a dream where you’re flying and you’re unhappy with your current situation, flying dreams can be a sign that you’re ready to break out of your comfort zone and make a change. You may be unhappy with your career, your relationship status, your living situation, and your social life, and flying dreams can be a sign that you’re ready for a new beginning. You don’t need to be stuck any longer. You belong in the sky.

6. You’re at a crossroads and aren’t sure which way to go

Flying dreams can also mean that you’re at a crossroads in your life and not sure which way to go. You may be wondering if you’re on the right career path, or if you should stay in your relationship, or if you should go back to school or move somewhere new. Flying dreams can be a sign that you’re ready for a change, but not sure how to make that happen. Give yourself time to process your dream and see what comes up.

7. Conclusion

It can be fun to look back on old dreams and try to decipher their meanings. Sometimes they are really obvious and straightforward, other times they are a little more cryptic. Flying dreams can mean many different things, but they all have some kind of significance. Whether you’re soaring over a breathtaking landscape or falling from the sky, dreaming about flying is a universally positive sign.

If you want to read more content about dream meanings, make sure to check out our blog where you can find lots of similar posts. You can also check out Wikipedia about dream interpretation.

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